
Number Three – Five Ways to Boost Productivity when Working from Home with Nutritional Therapist, Harry Hewetson


With more people than ever now working from home, staying focused has become an even bigger challenge. Finding ways to keep healthy and energised during the working day is essential, and there are many ways to transform your home office into a productive and enjoyable space.

As part of our #HealthyHomelife campaign, we have teamed up with Ironstone Wellbeing Centre to share the best ways to boost productivity and mental wellbeing whilst working at home.


3. Don’t rely on sugar to get you through the day

While a sugar high can give you a temporary boost of energy, the inevitable crash isn’t worth it. A sugar crash can majorly disrupt productivity and leave you distracted and fatigued, as well as cause headaches and negatively impact your mental health.

Harry said: “The best way to avoid a sugar crash is by eating balanced meals and healthy snacks throughout the day, as this will keep your energy levels consistent.

To keep your blood sugar levels within a healthy range, eat a handful of nuts with a piece of fruit, for example, six almonds with an apple; the protein and fat from the nuts will slow down the release of sugars from the fruit.”


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